

As the United States experiences an overwhelming child and elder care crisis, caregiving has fast-become the national conversation.

More than ever before, millions of baby boomers will need to rely on their family members to support them through retirement age and millions of children are at home with full-time working parents. It’s our goal to re-characterize and reduce stigma on what care looks like for family units: whether it’s a phone call to an elder, a fight for equal rights in the workplace, financial support, or a universal care’s a duty.

Important Facts:

  • The estimated dollar value of the informal care that family and friends provide for older Americans totals $522 billion a year—more than Medicaid spending in 2014.

  • The aging of the baby boomer generation could fuel more than a 50% increase in the number of Americans ages 65 and older requiring nursing home care, to about 1.9 million in 2030.

  • One in 10 women aged 45 to 64 provided significant parental care and either financial assistance or housing (within their homes for one year or more) to both an adult child (age 25 or older) and a parent during the period.

  • Almost half of U.S. adults ages 65 and older report they either need help or are currently receiving help with routine daily activities, such as shopping, transportation, bathing, meal preparation, or managing medication.

We will work with our official impact partner Caring Across Generations to support caregivers while amplifying the necessity of care in our communities.

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Redefining care is within our grasp. Every step you take strengthens the movement.


  1. Let your community know about Duty Free Film and urge them to watch it in theaters or host a private screening! Watch here.

  2. Fuel our movement by donating to our impact efforts.

  3. Sign Caring Across Generation’s Universal Family Care Pledge: a comprehensive, integrated, and robust care infrastructure covering all care needs across a lifetime. Click here to take the pledge.

  4. More and more men are taking on a healthier, stronger, more caring masculinity. Men like you, who know that caring for the people you love is hard work, important work, and requires all of us. Join with the #CaringMajority by signing here to help create a world where every man can be man enough to care.

  5. Do you have a caregiving story? Your voice matters in this movement. Share it here.